Family heirlooms and childhood memorabilia are often connected to happy and loving memories. It makes those things feel special to us, and we generally loath to part with them.

If we have too many of them, however, it's very hard to cherish and celebrate each one of the items. Usually, it comes down to two options: 1) Pack away some of the sentimental items. This can be a great choice if we actually take them out and appreciate them on occasion. Too often, though, they are put in a storage shed or a closet, never to be seen again. It is such a shame when a person passes away before sharing the memories and items with their descendants, who most often have to throw away many an item, never learning it's story. 2) Turn our homes into living museums, with all the items out on display. The major downside here is to feel overwhelmed and cluttered. With so many items out, it's common to not even notice the individual pieces, as they blend in to the collection. Living any kind of life requires space, and that can be hard to carve out when surrounded by memories.

Option number 3 takes intentional and sustained effort. A collage can be made using a combination of items and photographs of items. In this way, all items related to a person or place can be concentrated, and the associated memories have a distinct and distinguished space in the home. When one would like to reminisce about a departed loved one, or a period of time earlier in life, there's a collection of memorabilia waiting to spark memories and be consciously engaged with.

If your home is overflowing with sentimental items, we encourage you to reach out for a free evaluation. Our consultants can work with you to design a beautiful tribute, assembled with your memories and memorabilia.

Free Your Stuff 334-521-2636